NEW HORIZONS is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 dedicated to promoting social development and cultural preservation for the local territory and bridging the rather isolated local community to the dynamic world outside by means of education and training, information service, and international cooperation.
In essence, the founding members aim to construct “new horizons” in the imminent future of the people and crucially young people in their city of residence.
Based in Tusa, a small ancient town of approximately 3,000 inhabitants in the province of Messina (Italy), New Horizons takes the initiative to rediscover, revitalize, and re-launch a floundering town dealing with depopulation, youth unemployment and the shortage of socio-cultural services for its remaining residents.
Our main ACTIVITIES include:
ECTE is a training institute certified by the Greek Ministry of Education (EOPPEP) in providing Lifelong Learning Training, aiming to promote employability through acquisition of new, or updating adults’ professional skills. Activities for youth promotion to employment cover a major part of ECTE services and include – apart from training, guidance, innovative integrated interventions – international mobility for work or practice.
The educational programs ECTE develops and implements target the adaptation of the working force to the transformations of the technological, socio-economic and physical environment, the promotion of regional development, the improvement of the existing and the acquisition of new qualifications, and the exchange of experience and know-how in national and international level.
The main activity areas are the planning and elaboration of projects for the development of human resources, which integrate innovation and European dimension, are based on dynamic partnerships and pursue synergy and quality in results. The main activity sectors are:
The Foundation Universitat Jaume I Empresa (FUE-UJI) of Castellón, Region of Valencian (Spain) is composed of 17 employees. It was founded in 1993 with the aim of collaborating with the University in the development and creation of activities leading to educate, obtain results in research projects, generate postgraduate work opportunities and improve the potential of companies in addition to the economic and social sectors of Castellón. Currently this Institution is composed by 28 Trustees, as a matter of fact, the Board of Trustees is formed by the major companies and institutions of the Province of Castellón.
EuroFUE-UJI is The European and International Projects Office of FUE-UJI, which mission is to get funding to develop innovative projects together with UJI research groups, companies and associations, among others. The European Office has been several times projects leader and partner in European consortia in which has designed communication protocols aimed at establishing a dialogue strategy with stakeholders through proactive information; dialogue and participation actions to meet stakeholder expectations and establishing commitments which give continuity to the projects.
Handy Club Ostrava is regional non profit organisation which was founded with an aim to gather physically disabled people, their friends and other public interested in the topic of social integration of disabled people to the common society. We want to strengthen the situation when disabled people are taken into account as a normal and common part of society, not only as needed and unpleasant part of it. For this aim we focus on different topics how we want to improve the position of disabled people in the society.
The first and the most important one is to reduce the barriers which keep common society and disabled people on two different positions. As we believe that only active acting is reasonable we support different kinds of activities where healthy and disabled people can meet and do something together – f.e. sport, personal development and social activities. On the other side we do research, analytic and educational tasks which help us to spread out information about the situation of disabled people (their barriers, problems, work integration, social integration).
All together it should bring enlightenment and understanding to all our lives.
Rogepa is a Romanian-German company focusing on adult education. We provide authorized training in different domains as following: training of trainers, foreign languages, ICT, CNC, curriculum development, entrepreneurship, project management, commerce, e-learning, web design, tourism and food services, hair stylist, construction, wood processing, business management, quality management, key competencies.
Between the years 2016 and 2017 we had 460 trainees.
Together with our collaborators, we have the expertise to organize national and international events, development of curricula’s and teaching aids and manage European projects.
We also help small and medium companies in the development and modernization of training processes.
For a number of years, we have been providing Web Design, Graphic design and Web Development services through our Graphic Design department.
We maintain good working relationships with other national institutes of education, city halls from our region, local councils, and several professional associations.