Our 5th project meeting in Ostrava was the last one in the whole project run. It was held on 4th February 2022 with planned participation of 14 members of international RESTAT project team. Unfortunately, Spanish partners from FUE-UJI and IT specialist from Romanian partner organisation Rogepa were not able to come, so they joined working part of the meeting through on-line platform.
Non-profit organisation Handy Club Ostrava hosted 3 participants from Tusa municipality (Italy), 2 participants from association New Horizon (Italy), 2 participants from ECTE (Greece) and 3 participants from Rogepa (Romania).
Working part of the meeting was held in coworking centre Impact Hub, which provided decent comfort for combination of physical and virtual discussions and planning. As the project will soon reach its end, a lot of attention was dedicated to the last project output – IO4 – Boosting Employability and Job Mobility of Tourism Professionals – Career Guidance Tool. Partnership discussed details, settled deadlines and plans for pilot testing and external evaluation. Dissemination of the project and reaching all the originally planned indicators was another important topic which was discussed, agreed and planned.
During afternoon program participants visited “Dolní oblast Vítkovic” which belongs under UNESCO heritage and it is an interesting example of adaptation of old steel factory to an accessible educational and touristic place. As a next stop on the meeting schedule was a visit to Handy Club Ostrava clubroom where participants of the meeting met some of the disabled members of the club and were welcomed by Handy Club Ostrava chairman Mr. Zdeněk Jedlička. As a further example of partly accessible all year touristic structure was “Skalka area” which was originally built as a small skiing resort which gradually developed to a big complex for different leisure time activities concentrated mainly on children.
From overall point of view the meeting reached its goals. We hope that participants enjoyed the program. We also hope that the project will successfully reach its end and its outputs will support development of accessible tourism in a really big range.